Sunday, 7 March 2010


Megaman 10 came out this week on WiiWare.

It's the type of news that fills you with 80s-style NES-powered irrepressible joy.

And if you're Jon Bon Jovi and filled with 80s-style NES-powered irrepressible joy, this happens.

Thursday, 4 March 2010

So Steam is coming to the mac?

YEAH. You already know right?
Well that's the downside to doing a videogame blog.


Because the whole world got there before you. You've got to actually have some kind of interesting commentary or amusing tale to share.

Well sorry, but I don't.

Steam on mac just makes me fucking happy. Almost as happy as the Portal 2 tidbits that Valve are prickteasing us with. I'd buy Left for Dead again purely to play on some of the awesome user created missions that I CAN'T FUCKING GET ON MY 360. Yes, I realise most other WELL-RESEARCHED blogs would assign a separate link to an 'awesome user created mission' to each individual word in that phrase. But to be honest with you, I can't be arsed.

What this blog lacks in content, it more than makes up for in HONESTY.